Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Exhibit at Ratner

These ten photographs were exhibited at the Ratner Museum in Bethesda, MD, during July 2011.

High Test or Regular.

Taken in Israel on the way to the Dead Sea.

DeTailing is Extra.

Horses used for buggy rides.  

May I Have this Dance?

Women's Wall.    

Cairo Teens.

A street shot in Cairo with a blur of the background and other processing to make the photo appear as a studio shot.

Boyd's General Store.

Located in Boyds, Maryland, a few mile northwest of Washington, DC, in Montgomery County.  Built in 1933.

Reflections on the Arno.
Bridge at Point of Rocks.

DelMarVa Beach Scene.


Thanks for looking.

Friday, July 16, 2010

My Glenview Photography Exhibit

Took this from a bus that had just stopped in traffic in downtown Washington, DC.  It was juried into an exhibit by a curator from the National Portrait Gallery.  Don't get shots like this very often.
Taken at JFK Airport.  I waited two hours for someone wearing a hat to pass this advertisement on the wall.  This person stopped and took out his cellphone which was a close match to the technology in the wall ad.
Taken at a craft show in Gaithersburg, Maryland.  Business was slow.
At the pyramids at Giza, outside of Cairo.  4500+ year-old pyramids, 3500 year-old mode of transport, and a cell phone. 

Ocean City Beach and Shoreline

Photo taken last year at Ocean City, Maryland.  On the left is the result after I tonemapped the original with Photomatix and then did a little additional

processing with Photoshop CS3.  The picture on the right is the shot I started with.  The 'true' scene is somewhere between the two.  Obviously I was not using a polarizer or ND filter.

Before I worked on this photo I asked myself if I would paint this scene if I were still working in oil or acrylic, and how would I want it to look.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Been spending some effort creating HDR images.  Here I used Photomatix's tonemapping feature since I only had a single image of the Boyd's Maryland, general store that I took in December 2009.  It was dusk and I wanted to capture the bare light bulb and its reflection onto and in front of the porch, the onset of darkness, and the colors generated by the setting sun.
I try not to get too surreal with HDR. Just get the details in the shadows and highlights, like the human eye would capture.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A few of my favorite photos...

This is a picture I took on a rainy Sunday at the Lincoln Memorial. Daughter Wendy and I went downtown for a photo shoot, it got canceled because of the downpour. We spent the rest of the afternoon at the Lincoln and Vietnam Memorials.
For 'people-shooting', the Lincoln Memorial is great. Everyone is looking at Abe, taking pictures - no one is paying attention to anyone else.
I knew I had a good shot when I saw these youngsters walk over and start reading the Address. Their small size, the converging lines, and the raincoats all contribute to the grandeur and awe of the moment, along with the placing of my semi-transparent photo of Lincoln that I Photoshopped in.
 (A copy is now hanging at the Library of Congress in DC).